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OP Runners Helping Train Team SBH

A group of Ocean Parkway Runners have generously donated their time and experience to help Team SBH participants train for the SBH Disney Half Marathon this coming Feb or 2017.

Sephardic Bikur Holim is a non profit mental health and social service agency dedicated to caring for people in need with compassion, discretion, and respect. We provide for the health, sustenance, support, and well-being of children and adults, the infirm and the disadvantaged through an ever-expanding spectrum of services, programs and resources. At Sephardic Bikur Holim, our goal is to invest in families and individuals with strength and self-esteem so that they can rise with dignity to their utmost potential.

While maintaining a strong commitment to excellence, our network of devoted volunteers work hand in hand to train, play and solicit sponsors for all events. Working selflessly to address all of SBH clients' needs, Team SBH's athletes are truly champions for charity.

The Ocean Parkway Runners that are helping train are listed below.


I started running consistently in 2014, even though I have been running off and on entire life. Just hit 1000 miles for the year!!! I've participated in 5 Half Marathons since then and have set a PR in each one. I basically live in Prospect Park as I'm running there all the time. I have ran in many of their 5K series in the summer time, and set PR in each. I was registered for my first FULL NYC Marathon in 2016, but a little tendinitis kept me out, so I'm in recovery mode now. I've been nicknamed the "DA- RAINMAN by my peers as I LOOOOOOOOOVE running in the rain more than anything, so don't tell me the weather isn't good when it's raining, I'll be too busy running in it.


My first official race was NYC Half 2013. I thought I was crazy when I signed up, never having even run a 5K Race. At the time the most I had ever ran was 3-5 miles. A few months later, I brought home a medal and then it all started. B"H I just completed my 3rd NYC Full Marathon. With some patience and time anyone can train for Half or Full Marathon. Believe that you can do it. Running is a sport where improvement can be seen very quickly. Training is never about one great or one bad run, it's all about the total picture. Good Luck to all the SBH Runners.


I am a husband and father of 4 and founder of a digital marketing company. I've seen the power of running promote a healthy lifestyle. I helped dozens of people who never thought they can run one block, complete half marathons. SBH and Running have both made me realize that with each foot strike, you have the power to move forward and accomplish so much. Every day that you get out there and volunteer with SBH or run, you are different in some way, than the day before.


I discovered my passion for running while training for triathlons. It is an outlet to clear my mind and enjoy the outdoors. With a demanding job, wife, and four young children. I can understand how difficult it can be to find the time to train. Involving your family in your active lifestyle makes it easier to balance family, work, and racing. My running PR's include a 1:22:46 half & a 2:58:46 marathon.


I started running about 10 years ago. It was a big deal for me when I completed my first 5k. Soon after I started to set bigger and better goals for myself. I've completed many half marathons from Disney World to Jerusalem, New York to New Jersey, each one is better than the next. I love to run because it's a workout that I get to personalize every time I go out. I do my best thinking on my long runs. I believe most of the hurdles exist in your mind, so if you can mentally overcome those challenges and believe you can do it-you can! I love to run marathons and organized races because as someone once stated, "nothing's better than the wind at my back, the sun in my face, and my friends beside me cheering me on!".


I was the quintessential couch potato. Running was never for me. Running a block was too much. Just the thought of a 13.1 mile run baffled me. "Real people don't actually do that!" I always thought. Impossible. Well, six years ago, when I committed to dropping 40 pounds and getting healthier, I realized running was the easiest and most portable way to shed weight and get in shape. I started my aerobic prep spinning and walking. Slowly I progressed to running 2 blocks, then 4 blocks, then a mile. I took the plunge and made the commitment which was one of the greatest commitments of my life. Running taught me tenacity and became a point of inspiration for any challenge I faced. Once you reach one hurdle you can jump another. Little by little, with training, you can do anything. SBH's Disney Marathon became the launch pad for me to go on to doing a full marathon and continuing a new, fulfilling and meaningful way of life. If I can do it, so can you!


I started running for TeamSBH in 2014 after spending years in the gym. Since then I've run a bunch of races even another half marathon in Disney without SBH! My personal best Half Marathon Time is 146:40. I love running in prospect park and continue to alternate gym and running days for a great fitness combo.


I started running about 15 years ago when I asked my husband if he could "teach" me to run. He told me to get off the couch, lace up my running shoes (to me they were still called sneakers) and get out the door. (What a teacher!) To say that running is just a form of exercise for me would be an understatement. I have now involved my entire family around my passion…and just about all of my friends… and actually just about anyone who says hi to me. But, running for Team SBH has brought new meaning to the sport. To be able to do something I love while helping those in need is more than just a casual pastime. It is really fulfilling a dream.


Like many, I started running to lose weight and stay fit. I enjoyed the "me" time and the solitude of a peaceful mind clearing run. But before long, I caught the bug and couldn't stop. Running became an important part of my life. Now, years later, running means so much more to me than just fitness. Running allows me to set goals for myself and challenge myself and bask in my accomplishments. It teaches life lessons by showing me that I can achieve whatever I set my mind to. It shows me that if my feet can take flight, then so can I. I'm grateful for that.


I have been running for over 10 years and ran my first full marathon in 2007. I have ran over 15 half marathons and this year BH I will be running in my 6th full marathon. I enjoy running with groups and training others in achieving and surpassing their goals. This will be my 2nd year as a trainer with Team SBH.


My bus pulled in late for my wave. No time to prepare. Run! I looked down I was wearing 2 different sneakers. Run! I was running on the Verrazano bridge alone, whipping winds pushing me right. Run! I had to fight to catch up with my wave. Run! Shoulders back, head held high, crowds everywhere, exhilaration emanating from every pore. Run! 3:25:13 NYC marathon 2015. One of the best days of my life. Experience the rush!


I've been running since I'm 16, but never ran more than 3-5 miles at a time. In August of 2014 I was running a 5 mile run and saw a friend that I always see when I run and he kept telling me to sign up to run the NYC full marathon. I responded that there is no way I can do that kind of distance. He kept insisting that I run, so I applied and got in. After training for 2 months, I was ready to run the marathon. 3 marathons and 10 half marathons later I have broke every record I have ever thought I could and I continue to try harder everyday. I am part of a very elite group of runners and could not ever thank and appreciate the person that got me into this enough. I love running and I love helping teach people how to run and to give them the confidence that is needed to break all the mental barriers that hold us back.

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